Boutique Stop #1

Yes, if I was a curator and/or a gallery boutique owner...I would showcase these

playful | poetic | beautiful collections of items.

This idea came from late passion for Etsy. Not only because  I became a member but because it gives you a chance to create these so called "treasury lists" which are a form of member promotion and promotion in general. You can simply browse all Etsy products and make your own lists of your favorite items (kind of Etsy's own Pinterest if you will...)  and create curated mini galleries of other people's work. (you are not supposed to promote your own work but others...) Most of them in my mind are not my "cup of tea" but I really enjoy making mine. Here are few to start with.

Take a look at some of the actual treasury lists curated by me (APoDOMUS) and explore on your own and see other people's amazing work.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

Boutique Stop  #1