Long time pampered idea finally came to life...
All cards in my Etsy shop APoDOMUS can now be framed and become Framed Piece of Art From the Heart.
You can pick and choose any frame(s) with any card(s)!
I have been searching for a long time to find just the right frames - frames that would curate and feature the cards in a proper and unique way . And I found them! My favorite ones are the Element Frames that can showcase the cards (with a double-sided feature) as like effortlessly floating in space. They come in white oak and black wooden finish. Love them!
triptych of frames with cards for baby events - from expecting a baby to having one (or two, or three, or...)
triptych of frames with cards for anyone you LOVE
The other great frame is this shadow box Chroma frame (above) for any of the cards that are 3-dimmensional. It comes in black and charcoal wood finish.
And last but not least is the Stratton Frame that features a beautiful slim profile. Comes in white oak and black wood finish.
Very happy about this frame collection. Hope you enjoy as well!
To see more, please visit www.etsy.com/shop/APoDOMUS