Makers Mart 2016!

Showcasing APoDOMUS CARDS and APo ART!

Preparing for a fun event organized by IIDA KC. Will be held between 1:00-6:00 p.m. at AIA office in Crossroads this coming Saturday December 3rd.

Looking forward to see you there!


and ARTS...

One of several pieces getting ready...


Peek in the art studio...

All inks rolled on!

After couple of months, several good size boxes deliveries and rolling and rolling and rolling - there are 118 samplings (236 - actually...) of all colors and type of inks by Hanco Ink, LLC.

Our mutual trade-out arrangement (me getting all the inks and I providing the rolling samplings/photographing (Mike really...)/digital post-production (still to come...) is moving along steadily and forward.

After that I will be ready to roll for real! But that really won't happen till fall after our summer trip back home to Prague, Czech Republic...

Stay tuned...Stay cool

Rolling again...

Getting in to the rolling mode again.

I decided that it has been way too long since I have created any new artwork. The warm up is through a testing process for a company that makes  permanent and archival inks - new ones for me! I am developing a comprehensive and visual reference library for all of their inks. It will be lots of rolling (over 100 colors!!!) and lots of happy accidents I believe! And then - time for NEW ART! Stay tuned...

getting the roller ready...

and first traces rolled out...

Sampling of colors provided so far...

...and possible layout for their website illustrating the shades and tones of each ink accompanied with a small "artwork" to convey best the color range of each ink. Funny - how Chocolate brown is not brown at all - but pretty much like deep dried plum color...Getting very excited!!!